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Working From Home

With Voxhub removing the barriers to working at home, our customers can benefit from a flexible working life.

For businesses based at home, the Voxhub service will ensure that you have every facility that a dedicated office should have, which means that customers won't know that you are working from home.

Employ home workers? Voxhub gives them the right set-up to do their job properly and links your company together, despite the locational differences.

If you work some days at home and some days at the office, then Voxhub will help you work seamlessly at both locations.

Casual Home Working

There is no confusion on how people call you when you decide on the off-chance to work at home! You can be reached by one internal (and even external) number that can ring both phones.

Use your personal Voxhub Coordinator web interface to choose which of your phones you are using or simply let both ring and use the 'Do Not Disturb' feature on the phone to stop it ringing when you are not there!

If you work some days at home and some days at the office, then Voxhub will help you work seamlessly at both locations.


In The Office