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Using a Voxhub phone at home

Can I use my Voxhub phone at home?

Yes you can use your Voxhub phone at home.

There are a couple of things to be aware of when doing this though:

  • We have a security function set on our phones so that they are locked down to known connections, this is to reduce the risk of the phone being used by unauthorised people. So if you are planning to take your phone to a new location, you will need to let us know so we can disable this for you.
  • Although quite a few routers will work straight out of the box with VoIP, you should be aware that not all will work. Some will require configuration changes that we may be able to help and advise on, others may not work at all. This is because lots of routers are mass produced on the cheap by ISPs to be given out for free to their customers. When they test these devices they only tend to test for basic usage and VoIP services are rarely taken into consideration.

My Voxhub phone isn't working at all at home, why?

There can be a few reasons for this, the most common ones we find are:

  • Your phone may not be connected up correctly, we can help diagnose any issues with the physical set up of your phone.
  • We have a security feature set on your phones which locks them to known connections, this may need to be disabled if you have recently moved your phone to a new connection.
  • Your router may be causing issues with how your phone communicates with us.

My Voxhub phone isn't working correctly at home, why?

Due to the wide variety of routers that come with many different firmware versions you can end up with them affecting the phones in unexpected ways.

Common issues people experience with routers that are either incompatible or have incorrect settings are:

  • One way audio.
  • Inbound or outbound calls only.
  • Frequent disconnects.
  • Calls not ringing through on your phone.
  • Working for quite long periods of time then suddenly stop working.

There are a few settings that you can try changing in the router to help, although we can't guarantee they will work. If this does not help then we advise that you contact your ISP and inform them that your router does not work with VoIP, alternatively we may be able recommend an alternative router that we know to be compatible.

What options can I try changing on my router to help make my Voxhub phone work from home?

Some routers have options that can interfere with VoIP, you can change these to try and help make your router work with your Voxhub phone:

  • Disable the "SIP ALG" setting.
  • Disable the "Port Scan and DOS Protection" settings

These options are not always available on all routers and although they frequently help they are not guaranteed to resolve all issues.